Inside Out - 1983
Part Two of the Trend Saga
Within three weeks, Mark, Roy and myself agreed that we wanted to keep playing but none of us really sang. We put up another ad and had soon enlisted Luke Lyter, a singer and guitarist. This was right about the time that rockabilly was making a big comeback so we began adding Stray Cats, Gene Vincent, Rockpile/Nick Lowe/Dave Edmunds, the Blasters, the Cramps, the Kingbees(?) songs to our show. We changed the name of the band to "Inside Out," inspired by a song title by Mark's friend Nick. This was also great fun even though we'd lost our fan base of lecherous drunk college students. This band only lasted one semester as the rest of us graduated in the spring and went our separate ways. Pat was later in the band Milk, Inc. with me. He has also been in Dateline Memphis(which I'm told has just reformed), Bongo Fury, Screaming at Alice and presently plays in The Red Wigglers. Mark says he doesn't spend much time behind the drum kit any more but has three children who all play music. Roy no longer plays in a band, but is still in the Air Force, jumping out of low-flying helicopters and a bunch of other things that he's not at liberty to talk about (classified). Teresa moved to Texas and was never heard from again. Luke was last seen in Chicago in 1983.


Inside Out - The closest thing to a band photo I could find -
Roy, Luke, Ron, Mark


Luke showing Roy the chords to a Buzzcocks song on air guitar


Luke illustrating that his fluffy hair makes him technically taller than Mark


Roy being abducted by a bald eagle



The Life and Times of Captain Ronzo
Ron's Music History Corner